Serverless Headless CMS

Less is more.
This CMS
Headless, Serverless, OSS.




You can deploy to serverles environment at a very low cost. Currently, only Firebase(Firestore, Auth) is supported and AWS and other serverless solutions are planned.


You can customize Firestore's pathes or use your favorite databases to fit to existing operations. Plugin system for UI will be also implemented. Of course, you can fork and edit it as you like becase it is an OSS!


English and Japanese are supported. The project owner is a Japanese speaker, so your language support is very welcome.


The roadmap is maintained on GitHub

  • Plugin system(In progress)
  • AWS support(Cognito, DynamoDB, S3)
  • More field types(date, datetime, file)
  • Flexible permissions
  • Docs to integrate with Gatsby and Next.js